By Pharm. Glorious Attat

The human breast has the primary function of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is also referred to as Lactation. The two hormones involved in this process include prolactin and oxytocin.

  • Prolactin is the hormone responsible for milk production.
  • Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for milk let down.

The release of oxytocin in a woman is stimulated if she is made to feel relaxed and loved. This implies that men and even your loved ones have a role to play in breastfeeding.


Why Breastfeed?

  • Breast milk improves brain power: Well breastfed children perform better on intelligence (IQ) tests.
  • Breast milk is custom-made by each mother for her own baby with the perfect amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals and is easy to digest as well.
  • Breast milk helps your body fight off sickness and diseases. The first milk the baby consumed after birth is called Colostrum helps to stop harmful germs that can cause the baby to fall ill.
  • Breast milk is always fresh and ready at the right temperature for the baby to consume. There's no stress in having to heat it up.
  • The act of breastfeeding is healthy for the mother too. Research shows that breast feeding can protect mothers from many diseases such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
  • Breastfeeding builds a special bond. The closeness and comfort of breastfeeding helps you bond with your baby.

These are some of the reasons WHO and UNICEF recommends a 6months exclusive breastfeeding.


Don't Give Up on Breastfeeding!

Breastfeeding requires time and patience. It is a skill that both mother and baby learn together. There are groups that can help you; family and friends who have breastfed before, healthcare providers and lactation consultants.


Going Back To School Or Work?

If you are going back to school or work, your baby can still have all the benefits of your breast milk.

  • You can express breast milk and leave it with your caregiver to feed your baby using a breast breast pump.
  • Breast milk can be frozen and used later.


Happy World Breastfeeding Week to every breastfeeding mom and intending mothers.

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