The dry season is here again and is expected to last from now until may or into June
High temperature and humidity can pose a risk to health especially through the dehydration.
Here are tips to help you stay healthy during this season
Stay Hydrated
- The first and perhaps the most important tip for healthy living during dry season is to STAY HYDRATED.
- High temperature and humidity can cause rapid dehydration during outdoor activities
- Drink at least 3 liters of water per day and up to 6 liters daily is also recommended.
Manage Exposure to Sunlight
- Exposure to sunlight is unavoidable most times and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet[UV] radiation can be harmful to the skin at times during extreme conditions.
- Use protective clothing [e.g long sleeved tops, cotton or light texture materials ] or umbrella to limit exposure.
- Take shades from the sunlight whenever possible.
Use Sunscreens
- Sunscreens offer extra protection from direct sunlight when outside.
- There can be presented in the form of lotion or spray and works by blocking and absorbing the UV radiation from the sun.
- Useful as a preventive measures to skin cancer, burns and certain fungal infections.
Wear Sunglasses with Polarized Lenses
- Polarized Sunglasses are made specifically to give a measure of to your eyes.
- Also, avoid looking directly into the sun.
Remember to always speak to your health practitioner for further queries regarding your health.
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